1. Nutritious and high in fibre
- Fiber. Most of the fibre in whole grains comes from the bran.
- Vitamins. B vitamins, such as niacin,thiamine, and folate, are especially abundant in whole grains.
- Minerals. They also have significant mineral content, including zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
- Protein. Several grammes of protein are present in each serving of whole grains.
- Antioxidants. Whole grains include several anti-oxidants. These include lignans, ferulic acid, phytic acid, and sulphur compounds.
- Plant compounds. Numerous plant components that are found in whole grains contribute to disease prevention. These consist of sterols, stanols, and polyphenols.
2. Obesity can be avoided.
- Consuming foods high in fibre can help you feel fuller and reduce overeating. This is one of the reasons why high-fiber diets are suggested for weight loss.
- Research suggests that whole grains and products made from them may reduce your risk of obesity because they are more filling than refined grains.
- In fact, eating three servings of whole grains per day was associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) and less belly fat.
3. Assist digestion.
- Whole grain fibre can promote healthy digestion in a number of ways.
- First, fibre reduces your risk of constipation and helps give stools volume.
- Second, some cereal fibres function as prebiotics. This means they aid in nourishing the good bacteria in your stomach, which are crucial for maintaining digestive health.
4. It's been linked to a lower chance of dying young.
- Your likelihood of dying young also decreases as your risk of chronic disease does.
- Consuming whole grains actually reduced the risk of passing away from heart disease as well as from any other reason (28Trusted Source).
- Data from two sizable cohort studies, after adjusting for additional variables like smoking, body weight, and general eating habits that may have an impact on death rates.
- A 5% lower risk of death was associated with each 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of whole grains.
5. Chronic inflammation should be reduced.
- Many chronic diseases are triggered by inflammation.
- Whole grains may help to reduce inflammation, according to some evidence.
- Women who consumed the most whole grains had the lowest risk of dying from chronic conditions related to inflammation.
- Additionally, a recent study found that people with unhealthy diets who switched from refined to whole wheat products experienced a decrease in inflammatory markers.
- Public health advice suggests switching to whole grains instead of the majority of refined grains.
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